
Choose text to edit

The roll-up selector gives you all texts avaiables.

If you choose a option which has never been edited, you'll see changing both body and title. Body and title chown will are the default values for the language your are using (your personnal user`s preferences)

Every time you'll change this value a pop-up will ask you if you want to save the changes or not. That the same as clicking on save and change text to edit.

Edit a text

In this window, you can edit both at once, email content AND email title

Remember that introduction and conclusion are common to all emails. So don`t start this body content with « Hello ... » ; the header will already do that. Do not conclude the body content with signature, it will be done by the footer.


This content will be saved into the uploads sub-directory under the descriptive short name + .txt


This content will be saved into the uplaods sub-directory under the descriptive short name + _tit.txt The maximum lenght for this field is 40 characters

Specials markers:

  • {fisrt} place the destination first name into email body text
  • {last} place the destination last name into email body text
  • {full} place the destination full name ( first name + last name ) into email body text
  • {project} place the project's name into email body text
  • {issue} place the issue's title into email body text
  • {email} for emails sent to you (admin), the markers will place the user's email address into email body, for example
    • such content : « Hello admin, just to let you know that {email} just logged in »
    • Will give this text : « Hello admin, just to let you know that johndo@server.srv just logged in »
  • {static} place a static content examples:
    • previous project's name after you renamed a project
    • previous issue's title after you retitle an issue
    • source project`s name after you moved an issue from project A to project B